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St. Anthony, Minnesota, United States

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Written June 11, 2012

"I am the vine, and you are the branches. If any [person] remain in me and I remain in them, they produce much fruit. But without me they can do nothing.” John 15:5 (New Century Version)

How simple is that? I am in the process of downsizing my spacious home to be able to fit into a townhome. Recently, I reflected how “downsized” God’s truth is – straight and to the point:

“As long as I remain in Christ, I will continue to bear fruit.”

Grapevines can live to 200 years old and still produce grapes. These old vines do not produce as many grapes as younger ones, but the wine from these “mature” vines is the best.

The scripture does not say that I am to be attached to a particular church, just the Vine of Jesus Christ. As I explore the wider Christian community, it strikes me how the gospel message is pretty much the same from church to church, denomination to denomination.

Christ taught these words to a small group of disciples and he created each of us to live in community. Right now my community is expanding. I still have my closest friends and I connect with them regularly, but I am open to surrounding myself with other varietals of God’s Kingdom. 

My Tuesday morning Centering Prayer group is becoming precious to me as I sit in silence pondering God’s truth along with new friends: I recently prayed for 93-year-old Rollie’s impending back surgery and for his wife LeAnn to experience the peace of Christ.

This fall I will start Christos’ two-year Tending the Holy program, training to become a spiritual director. I anticipate connecting with a peer group of fellow learners with whom I will grow close as we progress together through our training. I consider myself fortunate to have these community pockets during this transitional time.

Earlier in my life the idea of living in a smaller home seemed way too confining. Now I’m ready to pare down, amazed at how many times I have filled our huge recycling bucket with 40 years of stuff. It’s time to sell, give away, recycle and toss the rest.

I never thought I would get to the point that I would be ready to leave my ever-evolving gardens. My aging body and physical limitations have brought me to a fresh sense of freedom – “I can let go of my beautiful yard”. I’m excited to realize more time and energy to pursue new interests. Already I sense the Spirit expanding my ministry in God’s Kingdom; He will enable me to produce the best “wine” as I continue to mature. Hallelujah!


How have you learned to simplify in an area of your life? If downsizing is a negative:  let God help you see the positive.

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