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St. Anthony, Minnesota, United States

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The FUD Factor

In 2009 I attended the first retreat sponsored by PPG Ministries. The theme for the weekend was based on a sales principle: The FUD Factor - Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. We all were grappling with uncertainty for the future with recession, unemployment, and economic cutbacks.

Rita opened this first retreat by asking us if anyone enjoyed a roller coaster. I enjoy a
roller coaster ride; the thrill, the adrenaline rush, even the anticipation of the huge dip.
My ultimate ride was in total darkness at Space Mountain in Disney World; I did not
know when the next twist or dip was coming and I screamed my head off until there was
no longer any sound coming out. What fun! When the ride was over and my armload of
packages made it through with me, I was ready to get back in line once again.

The Holy Spirit kept that image in my mind as I grappled with the theme of Fear,
Uncertainty, and Doubt. Life is like a roller coaster ride in the dark, but I don’t always
“let go” and release my grip to enjoy the ride with God by my side. If I could just learn
how to do that, I believe that my life would have more of faith’s joy and much less of the
fear connected with doubt. Of course, the theme park ride is much briefer and we know
the end will come rather quickly. The daily reality of life is such that we cannot see the
end and we get weary of the uncertainty.

The antidote for fear is faith in the God of Abundant Life who died to give us Joy for the
Journey. The antidote for uncertainty is to the trust the certainty of our God who is the
same today as he was yesterday and will be tomorrow. The antidote for doubt is to
confess our unbelief and ask God to help us hold our arms up in faith trusting His
strength to enable us to soar with the eagles over the rolling, dipping storms in our life.

Come with me, my friend, to ride God’s roller coaster. Let’s ride with our hands lifted
high anticipating the thrill of what God has in store for us – the Abundant Life.

Can't you feel the smile forming on your face? I'm smiling!


Do you think your feelings about a theme park roller coaster is similar to what you feel when life presents you a roller coaster?

How do you connect with the God of joy along your up and down, twist and turn journey?

Click to the Facebook page for PPG Ministries to learn more about this ministry.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Starting Over

“What if the world started over again?”

“For starters, this is impossible. You can’t just start over when you are in the middle of something, especially as HUGE as the world.”

I said, “Why not!”

With the mess this world is in, it would have to start with some kind of explosion or something big enough to wipe out everything but the raw materials to start again. But, this time the most beautiful things would begin to grow without all the hard work of having to eliminate the weeds. There would be no anger and hatred amongst the animals.

Everything would be perfect: perfect balance of moisture for plants and animals, perfect balance of nutrients to promote health, perfect atmosphere neither too hot nor too cold, perfect environment with just the right mix of work and play to keep things interesting.

This is the basis of research. If something isn’t developing as planned, you simply start over. Go back to the raw materials and try a different mix. Start with the chicken first instead of the egg first.

Let’s create man first and let him create the other plants and animals. Not sure it will work, well nothing ventured, nothing gained.

And so it is with trying to write that perfect short story. You have to start some place. You have to let go of the impossible in order to create the possible. 

Have you ever started over? I think many of us have considered it either major or minor.

What kind of impossibilities did you encounter to the idea of starting over?

What was your reality after the dust settled and your world came into focus once again?


Friday, April 13, 2012

Ancient Story Restores Hope

Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, "So shall your offspring be.”   Romans 4:18 (NIV)

As I reviewed the story of Abraham, my sagging hope (at ever finding a job) has been renewed. I saw how God's plan was fulfilled to His glory despite Abraham's problem with fear or the impossibility of old worn out bodies conceiving a child.

I found much hope when I read that Abraham gave into fear twice as he stands behind Sarah claiming her as his sister and not his wife. The first time Abraham and his crowd were given a military escort out of Egypt (Genesis 12:20 NLT). Lesson learned, right? I guess enough time had passed that Abraham once again gave into this same fear this time with Abimelech, king of Gerar (Geneses 20). However, God turned this situation around for good and His glory. God kept Abimelech from ever touching Sarah and Abimelech listened and obeyed God's warnings to give Sarah back to Abraham. The interesting part of this story is that God told Abimelech to ask prophet Abraham to pray for healing from his household's curse of infertility. That amazes me how God still used Abraham even though he gave into fear a second time. It gives me hope that although I may not do everything perfectly, God is still working out a plan for my life that will ultimately bring Him the glory because I have been declared righteous through my faith in Christ just as Abraham.

Faith in God does require action on our part. To this end Sarah thought she needed to exercise the custom of the day by giving her servant Hagar to Abraham to conceive the child of promise. Conception happened but with it came lots of heartache for Sarah, Hagar and Abraham and it was not the child God had promised. God did not snatch his promise back although it meant a fourteen-year wait. When an angel tells Sarah that she will bear a child within the year, Sarah laughs at the idea of a baby in her old age with Abraham ten years older as well. The angel responded, "Is anything too hard for the Lord?" (Genesis 18:14). Another example that brings hope as it highlights God's faithfulness despite any faithless circumstance I might create because I just can't exercise enough patience to wait for God's perfect plan.

My hope was revived yet again as I reflected on the impossibility of two old people with bodies well past their prime of life conceiving a child and living to see him well into adulthood. Like the Bible verse says, Abraham believed in the hope of God’s power and authority, against any hope he might find in his situation or circumstances. God is the God of the impossible. Just as God extended life to this old couple, I have hope that He will extend life to me in the form of a job where I can serve to the glory of God.


Read Abraham’s story and let God’s Word bring you hope for your situation. The story is recorded in Genesis chapters 11-25.

Name your impossible situation and WAIT to see what God will do on your behalf.  

“Is anything too hard for the Lord?” … Genesis 18:14.

Friday, April 6, 2012

God’s Garden

Lake Superior - North Shore of Minnesota

The water is clear
I see submerged rocks
God sees my buried rocks
Lost dreams
Almost forgotten hurts
Healing waits.
The farmer plows his field
rocks piled to the side
washed by rain
placed in a garden.

Living uncovers my rocks
as God gardens my soul
prepping the soil for his seeds

The gardener waits
the warm sun
the gentle rain

It takes time
and watching.

The seedling pushes out
fragile, fresh
looking for the sun
who called it forth
from its tomb
in the darkness.

It toils now
in warm sun
and gentle rain
delighting the gardener.

Still more waiting
the sun scorches
rain diminishes
storms threaten and crash!
Temperance River Gorge Falls

Ah, peaceful calm after the storm,
the Son lifts the clouds.
Sunshine paints the rainbow
shimmering in the dampness.

All is clean and fresh
New stones have emerged
Where will they fit?
Stepping stone

The path beckons
for a new
holy adventure
to – God’s garden.

by Donna Elftmann
March 2012

Imagine you are looking down on your life’s garden. What evidence do you see of God’s landscaping efforts? Look for a variety of growth; some might be fragile while others are strong and vigorous. Let God’s smile of encouragement color your garden with a sense of calm and peace.

Are storms obscuring your view right now? WAIT for the rainbow and a fresh, clean view.