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St. Anthony, Minnesota, United States

Monday, August 26, 2013

Lost Looking for Home

(This was written in November 2012)

I recently got lost three times within two days. The first two times happened while following a Google map on the way to my Tending the Holy Silent Retreat at St. John’s Abbey. The third time happened during the Saturday morning break before lunch when I decided a nice long walk would be a good time to spend with God enjoying the brisk sunny fall day.

Sunday morning as I reflected on my retreat experience, I was a little disappointed that no “special” God moment had happened to me during the 40-hours of silence spent together with my class members and the facilitators. I came to this retreat with high expectations of encountering God in extraordinary ways because of past students testimonials that the Silent Retreat was the highlight of their two-year training program experience. They envied me going on this retreat.

As I looked over my pages of journal entries, it dawned on me that God had indeed showed up during my episodes of getting lost. This highlighted the importance of recording the little moments that happen during our ordinary days and then taking the time to reflect back over those notes. I found my special God-moment.

Google maps have never failed me until this time. I followed highway 610 exiting where Google told me to exit and saw the sign for highway 101 and I turned left. After driving for several minutes it was apparent that I was going the wrong way. I turned around and drove back to the spot I had turned and decided that I was supposed to drive straight. I drove through the country side past farms and small little villages trying to find a familiar name of a city I could recognize.

I did not panic thinking that I had plenty of time to arrive at retreat. I just kept driving. I did call my husband, Jim. He was unable to help me as he was not very familiar with the area. So, I just kept driving and eventually drove into Rogers. Jim knew there was an entrance to I94 in Rogers. I kept driving and eventually saw the sign to enter the freeway. I was on my way!

I continued to follow the Google map which told me to exit at Saint Joseph and take the first right. I drove right past that first right turn because I did not see the County 51 sign. I drove through farm country looking at each intersection for County 51. Eventually, I realized I was lost once again. I called out to God for help and turned around. As I traced the miles back to the freeway, I remembered being told that I should exit at the sign for St. John’s University and I would find the Abbey Guesthouse close to Abbey Church. As I got to the I94, I saw the sign for County 51 and it was the first right over the freeway. But, I decided not to waste any more time taking back roads. I soon arrived at my destination and was warmly welcomed by familiar faces and escorted to my room. I was home safe!

On Saturday mid-morning during a long break before lunch, I decided to take a walk on the many trails running through this sprawling college campus nestled between several lakes with lots of mature trees. I enjoyed the exercise and felt like God and I were on this adventure exploring the trail system as I walked through a carpet of leaves. After a while I found myself in the area, noted on my Abbey Trail Map, as the cross-country ski trails marked by a few red banners tied around some trees. The path was covered with leaves obscuring the trail. I looked at my watch feeling lost in the woods. I was not alone. God was with me encouraging me to keep on walking. I turned around and nothing was familiar. I did not panic realizing that I had plenty of time to make it back for lunch but also realized that if I missed lunch I would not starve. So I kept walking back towards the road I had crossed earlier. I sensed God pointing me to walk up a hill that I did not remember. I walked up that incline and saw the road. Relief!

I began to recognize landmarks and saw some familiar people in the distance. Again, I was home safe. I ate lunch and retired to my room for a period of rest before our next teaching session.
During my Sunday morning reflection it occurred to me that getting lost was my God moment. God stayed with me and helped me stay calm, to keep driving and to keep walking out of my sense of feeling lost. The message of this experience showed me that whenever I feel lost I can turn to God and keep moving ahead trusting that the path will eventually become clear leading me home.

This was poignant for me as Jim and I are in the midst of selling our home of thirty years. We feel lost in limbo land and wonder when we will find home. In the meantime we keep on walking through each day trusting that the fog of obscurity will lift revealing the true path home.

Have you been lost? What did you do to find home? Did you sense God’s presence with you?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sense of Home

[This reflection was written on December 22, 2012]

Sally Howell Johnson in Barefoot Zone writes a story about an older woman feeling a call to journey back to her home place on the farm where she grew up near the town of Bountiful. Sally asked, do we have a place that “calls” us to come “home” and where is that place? Is it our birthplace or the country of our ancestry? Is it a certain lake or mountain where we experience God?
Immediately I thought about Minnesota’s North Shore of Lake Superior. We travel there often and always feel such a keen connection with God that we are drawn back again and again. The lake and the area represent peace and tranquility – so much of the character of God – that we find true refreshment for time spent there. Over the years we have stayed in many different places along the shore, enjoying some more than others. So it isn’t a structure that calls us to take the five-hour drive. It is the scenery and the ever changing moods of that huge Lake Superior. I find God there.

I thought about my Golden Lake home. We lived here nearly thirty years calling it home and it has been the place we have met God and grown in our faith through the various struggles and pain of life. I will miss this scenery but I can drive back to Golden Lake Park at any time and snap a few photos.
God is calling us to a new home for a fresh start; redeeming our life story and relieving our finances. I am already planning a fortieth anniversary celebration for April/May. Life goes on in a new place with new challenges and opportunities to grow.

My sense of home resides with God. That is why I think I can rent various houses on the North Shore and still feel at home because God is very present to us there. To me there are a lot of memories with this Golden Lake home but they evolve around God and his blessing that we have been able to share with many people over the years. Some friends have expressed great sorrow at the memories this place holds for them. They hate to see us move, while at the same time realizing that it is Jim and Donna that have made this house a home for many, many people. The same will be true for the new place and community.
God will not leave us homeless. He will provide us a place to call home however temporary it may be. Who knows how long God will bless us with 3420 Silver Lane? We will enjoy it and celebrate God’s blessing with many friends far and near along with some new ones.

God will eventually call us home to heaven to live with him forever. Until then we have many wonderful opportunities to experience a little taste of “home” this side of heaven through travel and through celebrations with friends.

 Where do you experience a “Sense of Home"?
Morning Has Broken on Lake Superior

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


[This was penned after hearing this Lectio reading at Centering Prayer on December 18, 2013]

"In Advent, we affirm that God comes:  faithfully, surprisingly, assuredly.  God enters as we wait and hope, prepare and anticipate.  God breaks through our silence and enters our darkness, penetrates our hardness --in a Child, through a word with Good News.  Advent calls us to transformed lives, renewed hope, and visions of a future to be restored."  J. Howard Rhy

What an Advent of WAITING this has been for Jim and me. Waiting but still packing in anticipation of a move, to who knows where?
Yesterday we heard that the Elftmann closing had been approved and our file had been transferred to the closer. I’m trying to be excited but with much caution. After this roller-coaster of bumps and wild curves and stalls; it is a little hard to move into full-fledged joyfulness. My prayer of relinquishment is keeping me a little more cautious even as I awoke at three this morning thinking about the new house and how to arrange the remainder of our belongings.

This morning I roamed around the house feeling “lost” amidst the boxes, boxes, boxes everywhere. I had no desk available to set my Bible for some quiet with my God. Do I bother to set up a card table with 8 days remaining? With our Christmas entertaining finished, it feels like nothing. We need to get packing even more earnestly. What little decorations we have up need to come down so they can be packed.
Our Advent anticipation is looking for God to show up in our move with a mortgage approval in the face of huge odds. I believe God is FOR US and He will be faithful to full redemption of our story. I anticipate and envision a restored future with many more years to glorify God beginning in a new place.

-          God has indeed been in the darkness of waiting and wandering through listing prep, negotiations and the huge paper shuffle.

-          God has been with us in moments of excitement over finally listing and then over getting rid of more and more stuff.

-          God has prayed for us with groans beyond words when personal prayer became illusive.

-          God has grieved with us for this year of painful turmoil that remains to be healed.

-          God will lead us through healing in His grace and love.

How have you seen God in your times of waiting?
Was the waiting worth it?