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St. Anthony, Minnesota, United States

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Battery Empty!

[Written on our Labor Day vacation 2012 on Minnesota's North Shore near Lutsen, MN.]

I thought the “battery low” symbol on my camera would allow me several more photos. Suddenly in the middle of framing a new picture, all goes black replaced by the outline of a battery with the words:  BATTERY EMPTY. I had to shut down and let it recharge a little before I attempted anymore photos. A little later I made several more attempts only to snap one photo before I saw those ominous words once again and I had to shut down. The irony is that last evening I saw my charger sitting there and heard my head say, “Recharge the Battery, NOW”. I figured I had plenty of time to do it later.
I wonder how many times the Spirit has tried to get my attention telling me that my body’s battery is low and needs recharging. Yet, I keep going and doing all the work that needs to be done. I have an endless “Downsizing to Do List” at home. I have a “Fiscal New Year to Do List” at my office. I squeezed in a “Packing for Vacation to Do List” to get ourselves out-of-town for a week.

I also scheduled a doctor’s appointment to check my knee before doing more damage with hiking while on vacation. I was diagnosed with Patellofemoral Syndrome more commonly called Runner’s Knee. Apparently, I did too much on the treadmill and my body said:  STOP! I thought I was strengthening my body by learning to practice Interval Training under the guidance of my personal trainer at the YMCA. It will take weeks to finally heal from this latest setback while I find it painful to walk up and down stairs or even to get up from a chair.
Ironically, this diagnosis made me realize I had no margin left to deal with one more … anything! I had no patience or emotional stamina but I had to keep going as vacation was still ten days away. My battery was EMPTY!

Well, vacation is almost over. I am feeling like my calendar is overflowing and the To Do lists growing exponentially. I need to figure out how to recharge my battery while in the midst of living life. One doesn’t always have the luxury of stopping the unending treadmill of things that need doing. So how can I know what is needed to recharge my batteries when the To Do lists keep expanding?
As I sat on the rocky point with the water gently lapping ten feet below, I sensed the Spirit gently remind me of various ideas that help to recharge my battery. May these spark some ideas of your own?
-       Centering Prayer – basking in the silence as the Truth and Peace seep into my mind and soul
-          Knit/Crochet – the rhythm of this craft focuses my mind on something creative
-          Movies/Plays – entertainment is a great treat for a weary mind
-          Novels – reading favorite authors and finding new ones puts me in awe of God’s creativity
-          Poetry – slowly reading a poem – God’s creativity soothes through rhyme and rhythm
-          Napping – great way to refresh oneself during a busy week
-          Outdoors time – recharge with solar power on a walk or in a garden
-          Play more often

Play more often? How does one play? I could choose one of these ideas. Nevertheless, spontaneity has to be a part of play. How can I allow more spontaneity?
Anyone want to join me at the park for a time on the swing set?

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Written June 11, 2012

"I am the vine, and you are the branches. If any [person] remain in me and I remain in them, they produce much fruit. But without me they can do nothing.” John 15:5 (New Century Version)

How simple is that? I am in the process of downsizing my spacious home to be able to fit into a townhome. Recently, I reflected how “downsized” God’s truth is – straight and to the point:

“As long as I remain in Christ, I will continue to bear fruit.”

Grapevines can live to 200 years old and still produce grapes. These old vines do not produce as many grapes as younger ones, but the wine from these “mature” vines is the best.

The scripture does not say that I am to be attached to a particular church, just the Vine of Jesus Christ. As I explore the wider Christian community, it strikes me how the gospel message is pretty much the same from church to church, denomination to denomination.

Christ taught these words to a small group of disciples and he created each of us to live in community. Right now my community is expanding. I still have my closest friends and I connect with them regularly, but I am open to surrounding myself with other varietals of God’s Kingdom. 

My Tuesday morning Centering Prayer group is becoming precious to me as I sit in silence pondering God’s truth along with new friends: I recently prayed for 93-year-old Rollie’s impending back surgery and for his wife LeAnn to experience the peace of Christ.

This fall I will start Christos’ two-year Tending the Holy program, training to become a spiritual director. I anticipate connecting with a peer group of fellow learners with whom I will grow close as we progress together through our training. I consider myself fortunate to have these community pockets during this transitional time.

Earlier in my life the idea of living in a smaller home seemed way too confining. Now I’m ready to pare down, amazed at how many times I have filled our huge recycling bucket with 40 years of stuff. It’s time to sell, give away, recycle and toss the rest.

I never thought I would get to the point that I would be ready to leave my ever-evolving gardens. My aging body and physical limitations have brought me to a fresh sense of freedom – “I can let go of my beautiful yard”. I’m excited to realize more time and energy to pursue new interests. Already I sense the Spirit expanding my ministry in God’s Kingdom; He will enable me to produce the best “wine” as I continue to mature. Hallelujah!


How have you learned to simplify in an area of your life? If downsizing is a negative:  let God help you see the positive.

Monday, July 29, 2013

The Last Time

No more scrubbing tiny carrots
No more planting a big garden
No more back-breaking weeding
No more constant watering.

No more digging
No more fencing
No more raking
No more shoveling.
No more pruning
No more picking
No more disappointment
No more abundance.

Freedom in releasing
Freedom to embrace the new
Freedom to share God's grace anew
Free at last!

Less time spent gardening
More time enjoying God's garden
Less time maintaining
More time sustaining grace.

Israel experienced the first Passover
The last night of slavery in Eqypt
The first Red Sea miracle
The last of Egyptian army.

The last time brings renewal
Sweet release to first times.

Psalm 40:3
"He has given me a new song to sing,
   a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see what he has done and be astounded.
   They will put their trust in the Lord.

This was penned in the fall of 2011. That summer I had come in from spending a long day of gardening on the steep back hill on the lake side. My body was screaming and I cried out to God, "I can't do this any more." Almost immediately my soul sensed a response from the Holy Spirit: "Move to a smaller place." I responded, "All right! That sounds wonderful, but how can we make that happen what with bankruptcy in Jim's recent past." I sensed God asking me to move forward trusting His leadership and Sovereignty in our lives. God's assurance of this new pathway never left me during the many decisions and issues that confronted us at various points. Follow our journey and see what God has done.

Consider for yourself the spiritual significance about "last times". Do you see any connection between last times and first times?

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Lots of change happened in 2012. In the midst of packing and downsizing I stopped posting on this blog.

However, I did not stop writing. I have uncovered several pieces that I will be posting. These stories will give you a sense of God's journey with the Elftmanns to new beginnings.

Lamentations 3:23
"Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each day."